BCSS Teesside Branch
Programme 2024
BCSS National have bi-weekly online Zoom meetings on Tuesdays 7.30pm
These are varied and include expert speakers from around the world.
10th January |
Mike Stansbie: Pot Luck |
14th February |
Richard Torr: South Africa Revisited |
13th March | Bob Hall: Remembering Colin Norton | |
10th April | Ian Woolnough: Baja '23 | |
8th May | David Quail: 'Eyecatchers' | |
12th June | John Carr: Propagation and Grafting |
16th June | Public Plant Sale - Durham Botanic Gardens | |
10th July | Mini Show (judge Ian Armstrong) | |
27th July | Branch Lunch - contact Branch secretary | |
14th August | Table-Top Plant Sale and Social, at Welbury VH |
11th September | Brian McDonough My Scottish Greenhouse | |
21st September | Public Plant Sale & Display - Stokesley Show, Stokesley |
13th October | Dr Ralph Martin: 'A bit of This and That' |
13th November | AGM and Members' Photo Competition |
11th December | Peter Berresford More wonderful Echinocereus | |
Plants for sale at the event |
Meetings held at Elmwood Community Centre, Green Lane, Hartburn, Stockton on Tees TS18 5EP