A selection of useful links have been included here, however the list has been deliberately limited in size.
For a more comprehensive listing we recommend you visit the Cactus & Succulent Plant Mall.
For ease of use, the links have been sub-divided into the following categories:-
Reciprocal Links . BCSS & Other National Societies . Specialist Cactus & Succulent Groups . Branch Members' Homepages. Miscellaneous Links |
Return to Site Map |
The following sites have kindly given us a reciprocal link. Please support them and visit their sites in the same way they encourage visitors to ours. Their content may, or may not, be limited to cacti and/or other succulents:-
Cactus Mall | The foremost source of data on cacti and succulents, plus an extremely comprehensive collection of links to other related sites. |
When we last reviewed the sites that previously had reciprocal links to our site, we discovered that most had either ceased to exist, or had removed their links pages. Those sites were deleted from the above section. If any other sites have included, or intend to add, a link to the Teesside Branch pages, please contact us to let us know so we can arrange for a reciprocal link to be added here. all links to this site are made to the opening page,i.e. http://www.teessidecacti.org |
BCSS & Other National Societies
A selection of the major national societies (with English language pages) devoted to cacti and/or other succulents:-
United Kingdom | The British Cactus & Succulent Society |
Australia | Cactus and Succulent Society of Australia inc. |
Belgium | Cactussen en Vetplanten |
France | CactusPro digital library English index |
Germany | Deutsche Kakteen Gesselschaft e.V |
India | Indian Cactus and Succulent Society |
Israel | The Israeli Cactus and Succulent Society |
Malta | The Cactus and Succulent Society of Malta | |
Mexico | Sociedad Mexicana de Cactología, A.C. |
New Zealand | Cactus and Succulent Society of New Zealand |
Peru | Sociedad Peruana de Cactus y Suculentas |
The Philippines | Cactus and Succulent Society of the Philippines | |
South Africa | Succulent Society of South Africa |
Switzerland | Schweizerische Kakteen-Gesellschaft (SKG)/ Association Suisse des Cactophiles |
United States of America |
Cactus and Succulent Society of America |
Zimbabwe | The Aloe, Cactus & Succulent Society of Zimbabwe |
Specialist Cactus & Succulent Groups
A selection of the specialist groups devoted to specific types of cactus and/or other succulents. It should be noted that these are specialist groups/societies, not merely specialist sites of which there are too many to attempt to list them here:-
Asclepiadaceae | International Asclepiad Society (Site 1) |
Asclepiadaceae | Stapeliads.info |
Cacti | Llifle Cactus Encyclopedia | |
Echinocereus | Echinocereus Reference Collection | |
Echinocereus | Echinocereus Study Group | |
Echevarias | Echevaria Info, Photos & Varieties (& other succulents) |
Epiphytes | Epiphytic Plant Study Group (inactive: from web archive) |
Euphorbias | International Euphorbia Society | |
Frailea | Frailea Information Base | |
e.g. Aloes, Astrolobas & Gasterias) |
Haworthia Society |
Hoyas | International Hoya Association |
Hoyas | Swedish Hoya Society |
Lithops | Lithops Info Website |
Mammillarias | Mammillaria Society |
Mesembryanthemums | Mesemb Study Group |
Sanseverias | International Sanseveria Society | |
Sedums | Sedum Society |
South American Cacti | The Chileans | |
Succulents | Liffle Succulents Encyclopedia |
If any Teesside Branch members have a website, please contact us to let us know so we can arrange for a link to be added.
Boyce Thompson Arboretum |
A beautiful arboretum in central Arizona. Includes a great collection of cacti and other succulents. Also involved in conservation and research. |
Cactiguide | Identification help - search for either the Latin (Scientific) name or the common name of a cactus using this name search |
Field Collector Acronym Database | Cactus and Succulent Field Collector Query - insert the collector's code (e.g. "KK") and it will return the collector's name |
Field Number Database | Cactus and Succulent Field Number Query - insert the cactus and succulent collector's field number (e.g. "KK 2005") and it will return data on that plant |
Garden Web | A cactus forum for all your cultivation queries |
Although we check the above links from time to time, we would be grateful if anyone finding any links which are no longer deleted, as appropriate.
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BCSS Teesside Branch includes the above links in good faith in the interest of promoting other sites of similar interest.
The Branch does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for the content of those sites, for the accuracy of any information contained on them,
nor for their conduct in respect of any services which may be offered.